Oct. 3, 2022

A Nose That Can Hear

A Nose That Can Hear

In this episode of Podiatry Marketing, Tyson Franklin and Jim McDannald, DPM, discuss how being different and unconventional is a successful way to promote your practice and make an outsized impact.

"A nose that can hear is worth two that can smell," is a phrase coined by negotiator Herb Cohen.

Being different—unusual, weird, memoriable—can be more effective than being qualified. Let us tell to you what we mean. When patients consider making an appointment at a clinic, they Google and search the website of potential clinics. Most clinics opt for a generic, "we do everything" approach. But there are a few that either show personality or only try to appeal to a certain patient demographic.

And that’s the thing. Most patients have never seen a targeted podiatry clinic website that speaks directly to them. Patients are used to looking at boring clinic website after boring clinic website. Then your unique and very relevant website pops up. It makes no sense. It’s different. It’s strange. It’s a nose that can hear! 

To learn more about how to grow your practice, check out more episodes of Podiatry Marketing at https://podiatry.marketing