June 5, 2023

How to Write Blogs Easily

How to Write Blogs Easily

Podiatry Marketing Live Tickets Now On Sale - Only 30 Seats Available

Welcome to another episode of the Podiatry Marketing Podcast. In this episode, Jim McDannald, DPM, and Tyson E. Franklin dive deep into the strategy of crafting compelling, effective blog content without experiencing mental exhaustion. This is a vital skill in digital marketing for any podiatry clinic.

Episode Highlights:

  • The Rookie's Mistake: We dissect the common pitfall of rookies trying to write, edit, and perfect their blogs simultaneously and discuss why this approach often leads to exhaustion and less effective content.
  • Spacing Out Your Activities: We outline a five-day plan to break down your writing tasks into manageable parts. This technique encourages creativity while avoiding burnout.
  • Using A Timer: Using a timer not only introduces a sense of urgency but also serves to preserve mental energy. We explain the Pomodoro Technique's 25:5 intervals and its benefits to efficient blog writing.
  • Separate Research and Writing: Researching and writing simultaneously can be draining and counterproductive. We discuss the need for dedicated research time blocks and how to store your research ideas effectively, using tools like Evernote.
  • Final Tips: We wrap up the episode with additional advice for writing your blogs, including the importance of focusing your content on your ideal patient and crafting compelling calls to action (CTAs).

Don't miss this insightful episode filled with valuable tips on how to write blogs easily and effectively!

Relevant Links:

  1. Evernote
  2. Pomodoro Technique

To learn more about growing your practice and accessing additional resources, check out more episodes of the Podiatry Marketing Podcast at https://podiatry.marketing.

Get Your Ticket For Podiatry Marketing Live - October 21, 2023 in Chicago